- Pick a personal focus word, sound, prayer or personal phrase. for example, "peace" "one" or "the Lord is my shepherd."
- Sit comfortably in a quiet place.
- Close your eyes.
- Progressively relax muscles from feet to neck.
- Breathe slowly and naturally, and as you do, say your focus word, sound, phrase, or prayer silently to yourself as you exhale.
- Assume a passive attitude and don't worry about how well you're doing. When other thoughts come to mind, simply say to yourself, "oh, well." and gently return to your repetition.
- Continue for 10 to 20 minutes. Time yourself by peeking occasionally at a watch or clock.
- When you are finished, continue sitting quietly for a minute or so, gradually allowing other thoughts to return. Then open your eyes and sit for another minute before rising.
- Practice the technique once or twice daily. Good times to do so are before breakfast and before dinner.
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