A friend describes a true soul mate as a "mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. (He) is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls, and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. They come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave."
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
You ever wake up from a really good dream, try to get back to sleep? Or you got the flu, and
you promise yourself that you’ll appreciate normal so much more if you could just get back
to it? That’s the way I feel. I just want things to go back to the way they were."
Posted by
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Labels: metaphorically speaking
wanna know what sucks?
- When you wanna ask one simple question but your heart is too scared of the answer.
- when you keep on waiting when the one youre waiting for isn't aware that youre waiting.
- when youre working so hard but someone else gets all the credit.
- when the person you hate the most is getting everything you want.
- when the day seemed so long, and youre all tired and overused, you want to take a break but you gotta keep going coz that's just what youre supposed to do.
- when youre not really doin very much or not doing anything at all.
- when you wanna start over a new but you couldn't figure out how.
- when you wanna forget the past but you can't give up the memories.
- when there's someone you want, but he/she is emotionally unavailable for you.
- when you want to sleep but youre mind just couldn't stop thinking.
- when you wanna step up and go forward but youre stuck in reverse.
- when you cry oceans of tears but the world isn't bothered a bit coz the world just doesn't give a damn.
- when you had to give up everything so you can make someone else happy.
Posted by
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Labels: shitty fucks
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Today I had a thought
What if I... what if I had never met you?
Posted by
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
so this is life..
it's kinda annoying when someone who've hurt you a lot is actually doing good in life. yea, maybe some things didn't work out for a good reason. but still, seeing someone you hate happy when at the same moment, youre not, kinda sucks. i'm losing it.. i just can't help myself.
i supposed i was hurt. but i'm proud of you. i wish i could tell you that.
Posted by
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Labels: for you asshole
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Transcendental Vegetation
"sighs".. goodbye 2007, hello 2008..started the week with me and my lazy fat ass on the couch.. sighs..again...argh!it has been 4 days of doing nothing. i mean, in a semi-standard living, being all jobless and broke..i've been eating my way thru the day...leftover gellOs, medyo may asim na nga lang..eww..i've been practically robbing our fridge with anything i can eat..leftover cheese, and the last slice of graham cake my sister was saving for a friend..sorry naman..it's all gone. whehehe. i feel heavy and lazy, and i'm just bored stiff. i've surf the net for things to do and i ended here with this post.. going typeless obviously, and for boredom sakes, grab your popcorn, sit back and watch these movies:
I am legend:wOot! woOT!
The film opens with Will Smith as the Last Man on Earth tearing around the vacant streets of Manhattan in a red Mustang, his trusty dog, Sam, by his side in the front seat, Chewbacca-style. Right! hahaha,
Will Smith plays (as far as his character knows) the last man on earth, our hero, Robert Neville, a sole survivor of a world dominating virus created by man, that initially takes out 588 million people in 2009, and was originally created to somehow cure cancer. In 2012, Neville (a former scientist) dedicates his life to surviving for the sake of the human race, since he's somehow immune to the virus and those who have been infected, and attempts to find a cure. In order to find a cure, he seeks out the infected beings at night, who seem to have completely forgotten how to act human, their instincts and survival skills have become non-existent, and either takes them out to survive, or in some cases, drags them to his underground lab for research purposes, in hopes of correcting humankind's mistake.
Based on the short Stephen King horror story of the same name, 1408 is about supernatural writer Mike Enslin, an author of two successful books on supernatural phenomena. As research for his latest book, Enslin is determined to check out the notorious room 1408 in a New York City hotel by personally staying as a guest in the fabled room. He believes that 1408 is just a myth perpetuated by stories and rumors that Enslin has collected for his past works. However, hotel manager Mr. Olin has strong objections to Enslin's stay and only warns him of possible danger to come. Enslin is determined to go anyway. But what Mike Enslin is about to experience is no myth, as 1408 truly is a room where the guests don't check out by noon.
Wedding DazeWedding Daze, the hilarious new comedy which stars household comedy actor Jason Biggs (American Pie) and Australia's newest female export Isla Fisher.
After losing the woman of his dreams, Anderson (Biggs) is convinced he'll never fall in love again. But at the urging of his best friend, he spontaneously proposes to a dissatisfied waitress named Katie (Fisher) and an innocent dare evolves into the kind of love that both have been looking for all along.

...ok po yung mga movies na yan...it will be worth your while.. I've also finished watching the entire season 2 of Heroes and season 4 of entourage..wala eh, sadyang walang magawa..hehe.
Posted by
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Labels: wala lang
Thursday, January 3, 2008
ikaw ba'y nalolongkot at walang magawa?
wala lang.. pareho pala tyo..hehehe.
Posted by
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Labels: wala lang
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
ALL YeAr RoUnd
Give thanks
Count your blessings
Remember thy savior
The sacrifices he made.
Last night, i joined my friends to church, and i was grateful i did, because the new year's gospel made a deal of an impact in my life, or at least i think it would this year. Im not really familiar with the word of God but the gospel taught me how to be grateful for my life and for everything else. The past few months, has been a blur..it seemed that i had spent most of my days, just passing moments, dwelling on bad things, whining about my problems and being angry all the time. Most of the things in my life, apparently, i had taken for granted..it's funny how most of us realizes the importance of what we've got until it was gone. but all is good. at least from now on, because no matter what happens, i truly believe now, that God has a purpose for everything..Sometimes when things seemed to go wrong with our lives, we sink and sink fast..Our hearts gets easily discouraged, and our spirits gets lost in darkness. I had been in such a state, and the entire time, i succumb in fear, the fear of the unknown..what ever lies ahead. And it can get pretty depressing.. And i go about my everyday life, without knowing why and what. i was mostly confused. But after last night, everythings changed..my attitude towards life is now different from what has been.. i'm just thankful for everything..whatever happened last year,good and bad.. God has a purpose.. and i may not know it now, but one day he'll reveal His purpose for my life..So to end this post, instead of doing a new year's resolution list, i made a list of what i was thankful for in 2007.
*I'm thankful to God..for:
- 2007, for the year that was, adding up to my living years, im just thankful im still here. alive and kickin.
- my mom, for working overseas. For financial support and for being away for over 20 years..because it taught me to take responsibility for myself, my sis, and our house.
- my sister, for having her stubborn ass around, it taught me to be patient,and it taught me to know just how much i can tolerate.
- my bestfriend, for the years of friendship, for the love and care, for the misunderstandings and petty quarrels, for the ups and downs,and for the person that she really was, or is. it taught me to dream, to hope, to understand, to listen, to reach out, to lend a hand, to become a true friend.
- the friends that come and go, for those who have stayed.. for those who leave, for those who lies, who cheats, who manipulates, who betrays, who deceives, for the friendship that was lost, and the ones reborn,and the new found friends..I thank God for all that, because, it taught me to forgive, to be more accepting, to be wise, to be reliable, to be humble, to be grateful, to depend on my own.
- my lalab, for the love and care, for his patience,and his friendship. for making me laugh, for the sweet little things, for making me cry, for the stupid things he has said and done, for his strength and his weaknesses, his best and his worst self, I thank God for giving me such a royal pain boyfriend..because it taught me to love, to be patient, to be more forgiving, to be more accepting, to be more understanding, to be happy, to wait, to give a chance, to be self-less, to care, to continue loving.
- summer, rainy days, the sun, flowers, plants, water, shelter, clothing, food, my dogs, my neighborhood, the malls, stylish shoes, expensive make ups, chocolates, beer, music, tv shows, movies, sports, cellphones, computer, internet, pictures,and books..raket. I thank God for all these things..for all the feel-good-feelings it brings.. like being excited, happy, easy, convenient, eager,and just good..even with the simplest things.
- silence, peace, serenity, love, kindness, compassion, and laughter..I thank the Lord for all these..because it made me know what a good life is.
- dirt, noise, mess, stress, pressure, problems, hard life, mistakes, heartaches, pains, wounds, despair, sorrow, emptiness, even hate..hakuna matata..it taught me to believe in God, to be faithful and be hopeful, to be artistic and passionate, to try and do the right things, to be forgiving of myself, and of others, to feel relieved, to heal, to love, to feel joy, to grow up, to build myself up.
if we 'd all take a closer look with each of our lives, we'll find a reason for everything..and we may not understand it now, or we may not like it, and we may not be able to see the good side of every bad things that's happening at the moment, but sooner or later when God reveals his purpose, you'll know that the Lord is Good in every way.. God bless!
Posted by
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Labels: life as good as it gets